The First Times Tables game by Orchard Toys is the perfect introduction to the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. It's an amazing resource for the classroom or at home. Orchard First Times Tables is suitable for 5 years and above.
The First Times Tables game by Orchard Toys is the perfect introduction to the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Practice your skills, learn and master the times tables by playing the game.
There are two ways to play.
Spin the spinner to see which card you take from the piles of banana, strawberry or blueberry pancake cards. Solve the times tables sentence, then use the spatula to flip the card. The answer is on the reverse. If you are correct, place it on your plate. If incorrect it goes back under the pile. The winner is the person who collects the most on their plate. But, watch out for the "splat". If the spinner lands on the "splat" you have dropped your pancake and miss a turn.
The other way to play this game is to add a timer. Orchard toys have a free timer available in the orchard toys app if you need one. Simply set the timer and the winner is the player who has the most fruit when the timer ends the game.
You can also use the number line boards provided, to self check your answers. This means the game will work well even for those children who are yet to master the 2s 5s and 10s times tables.
There are multiple ways to use this game as a teaching and learning resource as well.
Count the fruit to show "groups of" or "lots of". Children will learn that times tables is grouping quantities of the same number. This also demonstrates that times tables are just adding the same number repeatedly, only it is quicker! For example 2 2 2 is 3 lots of 2
Use the fruit for sequencing, and counting by 2s 5s or 10s For example 2 4 6 8
Orchard Toys are a highly reputable brand based in the UK. They're known for their quality products and their attention to detail when creating educational resources. "we pride ourselves on creating products that can withstand the wear and tear of little hands, whether this be at home, in a childcare setting or in schools".